LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Medium Motor (Brand New)



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The EV3 Medium Servo Motor is great for lower-load, higher speed applications and when faster response times and a smaller profile are needed in the robot’s design. The
motor uses tacho feedback for precise control within one degree of accuracy and has a built-in rotation sensor.

  • Tacho feedback to one degree of accuracy
  • 240-250 RPM
  • Running torque of 8 N/cm (approximately 330ml/in)
  • Stall torque of 12 N/cm (approximately 500ml/in)
  • Auto-ID is built into the EV3 software

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  The EV3 Large Servo Motor is a powerful motor that uses tacho feedback for precise control to within one degree of accuracy. By using the built-in rotation sensor, the intelligent motor can be made to align with other motors on the robot so that it can drive in a straight line at the same speed. It can also be used to give an accurate reading for experiments. The motor case design also makes it easy to assemble gear trains.
  • Tacho feedback to one degree of accuracy
  • 160-170 rpm
  • Running torque of 20 N/cm (approximately 30 oz/in.)
  • Stall torque of 40 N/cm (approximately 60 oz/in.)
  • Auto-ID is built into theEV3 Software.
The digital EV3 Color Sensor distinguishes between seven different colors and can also detect the absence of color. It also serves as a light sensor by detecting light intensities. Students can build color-sorting and line-following robots, experiment with light reflection of different colors, and gain experience with a technology that is widely used in industries such as recycling, agriculture, and packaging.
  • Measures reflected red light and ambient light from darkness to very bright sunlight
  • Capable of detecting seven colors plus the absence of color. It can tell the difference between color or black-and-white or among blue, green, yellow, red, white, and brown.
  • Sample rate of 1 kHz
  • Auto-ID is built into the EV3 Software.
This is a second-hand piece. Well used. The digital EV3 Ultrasonic Sensor generates sound waves and reads their echoes to detect and measure distance from objects. It can also send single sound waves to work as sonar or listen for a sound wave that triggers the start of a program. Students could design a traffic-monitoring system and measure distances between vehicles, for instance. There is an opportunity to discover how the technology is used in everyday items such as automatic doors, cars, and manufacturing systems.
  • Measures distances between one and 250 cm (one to 100 in.)
  • Accurate to +/- 1 cm (+/- 0.394 in.)
  • Front illumination is constant while emitting and blinks while listening
  • Returns True if other ultrasonic sound is recognized
  • Auto-ID is built into the EV3 Software.

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